Publications Studies

Family Court and Its Recent Amendments

family court and its recent amendments
family court and its recent amendments

This book was issued in the framework of the “Access to Justice” program that aims to raise awareness about the role of law and how to empower women to achieve justice by using the legal system. Though the Family Court was established more than 5 years ago, many people still have a lot of questions about its importance, its role, and to what extent it affects the judicial proceedings of Personal Status cases. Thus, we are pleased to introduce this publication.We focused in the preliminary section of the book on the system of the family courts, explaining what is the function of these courts and on the current discussion surrounding the court systems. In addition, we discussed establishing offices for settling family disputes, on the importance of psychologists and socialists’ roles in family courts, on establishing new prosecution under the name of family affairs, ending the verdicts of family courts, and the implementation and operation of legitimate verdicts.

The second section discusses the jurisdiction of family courts in personal status cases for guardian of self and guardian of money. In addition, this section focuses on the Writ of Summons and judicial fees relief that includes imprisonment cases and reasons that made the judge exempts those previous cases from the necessity for lawyer’s signature on its writs.

The third topic discusses the jurisdiction of the chief judge of the family court to issue death certificates and inheritance in addition to the articles that organize issuing the inheritance certificate and its authenticity. The fourth topic discusses the jurisdiction of the chief judge of the family court as a judge in urgent matters to file petitions, as a judge of Provisional Matters in the Court of main instance. For the sixth and seventh topics, the book focuses on the role of family affairs’ procurator office; offices of settling family disputes; the legal form in these offices. As for the eighth and ninth topics: we focused on family insurance system, family insurance fund, and the performance of Nasser Social Bank for expenditures and wages, and the recent important amendments in Personal Status Law ( Custody law amendment – Child law amendment).