The book summarizes the work of ECWR’s Women in Professional Syndicates project and its activities. It reports on women’s representatives in the...
ECWR conducted a study entitled ““Towards the Unknown: The Risks of Chaos”. The study addresses the impact of electoral violence on Egypt’s democratic...
Egypt, at present, is going through a critical legal situation regarding the Constitution and the time-frame for its drafting, as we find ourselves caught...
تمر مصر الآت بموقف قانوني متأزم فيما يتعلق بالدستور والمدي الزمني المقرر للإنتهاء من كتابته، حيث نجد أنفسنا ما بين مطرقة الوقت وسندان ضمان الحقوق وللخروج من...