Latest News Press release

Statement of the Standing Committee of Egyptian women

No Women No Peace
No Women No Peace

*On the Constitutional Declaration issued on 8 July 2013*

The Standing Committee of Egyptian women, including all the secretariats of women in Egyptian political parties in addition to a number of civil society organizations, revolutionary movements and groups supporting women
rights’ issues, express their condemnation of the contents of the Constitutional Declaration issued by the President as it contains provisional materials which represent mostly a reproduction of materialsinactivated in the Constitution of 2012, according to a statement issues on July 3, 2013, which was endowed by June 30 demonstrations;
sweeping a regime that did not take into account objects of the 25 January revolution.

At the heart of the controversial articles of the issued constitutional declaration the problem of fully overlooking the rights of women and the lack of reference to it as worthy of attention and care which is a significant conclusive repetition of the same sins of the previous defective constitution ignoring the fact that women rights are an integral
part of human rights and rights of citizenships that we seek to achieve not only because of the Egyptian women who fought to protect their families and communities have contributed on an equal foot in the success of the
revolution of the Egyptian people and the formulation of its objectives, but these rights are legitimate rights, constitutional and legal.

The Standing Committee of Egyptian Women emphasizes that it will continue its adherence to its position and all its members to modify the material contained in the Constitutional Declaration in a way that was expressed by
the people on June 30 rallies and that its articles ensures the implementation and respect of women rights in light of a new constitution for Egypt Revolution.


  1. Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights
  2. Egyptian Liberal Party
  3. The Constitution Party
  4. Social Democratic Party of Egypt
  5. The Egyptian Socialist Party
  6. Party of Justice
  7. Democratic Front Party
  8. Socialist Popular Alliance Party
  9. Egypt Freedom Party
  10. Karama Party
  11. A Popular Trend
  12. The National Front for Egyptian women
  13. Coordinating Mass Action for Egyptian Women
  14. The Bahia Movement of Egypt
  15. Egyptian Women’s Voices
  16. Equality Movement
  17. Free Egyptian Movement