Latest News Press release

27 women won on Party lists, 12 in the run offs and women overthrow Salafist Nour Party

Cairo 22 October 2015
Results of first stage of Egypt’s Parliamentary Elections 2015 from a feminist perspective:
27 women won on Party lists, 12 in the run offs and women overthrow Salafist Nour Party

In its framework of monitoring elections from a gender perspective, the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights (ECWR) operating room monitored the preliminary results of the first stage of Egypt’s Parliamentary Election 2015, which tookplace on the 18thand 19thof October 2015 covering 14 governorates.
The number of female candidates running for individual seats is 110 candidates out of a total of 2573 which accounts for 4.2%. Meanwhile, 100 female candidates are running on party lists in West Delta and Upper Egypt.
After the results of the High Elections Committee (HEC), 20 women won on “Fih Hob Masr”list, translated as For the love of Egypt, in Giza, North and South Upper Egypt which includes 45 seats. It received the highest votes which accounted for 55%
Moreover, 7 women running on Fih Hob Masr list won in West Delta area which includes 15 seats. It received the highest votes up to 60%. This results in a total of 27 women winning on party lists out of a total of 45%.
Meanwhile, there were no women winning as individual candidate in the first stage. 12 women are entering the runoffs out of a total of 444 candidates for 222 sears in the first stage. The women account for 2.7%. Out of the 12 women, there are 20 independent, one affiliated with the Nasserist party and one affiliated with Mo’tamer Party.
Women recorded the highest voters’ turnout which affirms their significant role in overthrowing the Salafist Nour Party in the first stage.
To know more and learn about the names of the successful female candidates, please click on