Publications Studies

Towards the Unknown: The Risks of Chaos

Towards the Unknown The Risks of Chaos
Towards the Unknown The Risks of Chaos

ECWR conducted a study entitled ““Towards the Unknown: The Risks of Chaos”. The study addresses the impact of electoral violence on Egypt’s democratic transition and women’s political participation. The field sample of the study was 2509 people from six governrates: Cairo, Giza, Qalubaya, Alexandria, Minya, and Isma’alya. This study is the
first to address electoral violence and its impact on Egyptian society, democratic transition, and the weak political representation of Egyptian women in the Parliament. It analyzes the impact of electoral violence on political participation, and more specifically focuses on women, and how this inhibits Egypt’s democratic transition process. It also monitors the role civil society plays in supporting and raising awareness about the importance of political participation, and emphasizes the importance of a fair and free election process as a basic indicator for political reform in Egypt.