Press release

Seven Egyptian NGOs Participate in …Transforming Our World

In a virtual workshop through Zoom, run by the Arab Network for NGOs in cooperation with Step to Future, seven leading Egyptian NGOs in the fields of civil society, represented by the Egyptian Center for Women Rights (ECWR), Gender and Legal Expert House(GELEH), Misr El-Kheir Foundation, Women and Society Association, the Future Eve Foundation, the Association of Upper Egypt for Education and Development, and Children of Female Prisoners Association.


The workshop was based on the interactive learning model “Transforming Our World.” This interactive model is different, as it overcomes the idea of ​​traditional training manuals, and moves capacity building to a new ground based on the trainee’s interaction with the scientific content of the model. Therefore, the recipient can view the content as a comprehensive and complex vision of sustainable development, and they are also able to employ technology to obtain more knowledge and expertise, through many relevant links and using several tools. This interactive model provides a variety of tools, visual equations, and educational activities that enable participants to understand sustainable development as an integrated system in a way that is reflected in development programs, projects, and activities within their organization.

The Arab Network for NGOs recently issued this interactive model under the title “Transforming Our World” with the support of the Arab Gulf Program for Development “AGFUND,” and the innovation of Step to Future, with the aim of enhancing the capabilities of civil society workers to effectively contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

To view the interactive learning model; please click on “Transforming Our World