Press release

What Are Your Plans After Graduation?… ECWR Launches a Campaign to Encourage Young Women to Work

In 2019, the percentage of female graduates from public universities was 57.1%. However, the percentage of employed women in that same year was estimated at just 15.3%, despite the female graduates’ desire and their strenuous attempts to find work opportunities. This forces young women to accept choices that might have been different had they thought “what do I want to do after graduation?” during university. It would help them be able to control the options available, to be better and more suitable for them.

The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights launches the “What Are Your Plans After Graduation” campaign, which aims to increase women’s and men’s understanding of the value of women’s participation in the workforce. This will be done through a university campaign to encourage female students in their senior year of university to plan their future and guide them towards opportunities available for their career, and how to achieve balance between gender roles (family and marriage) and employment.

Online training will be provided to university graduates to help them plan their careers, and to increase their knowledge and skills in regards to small business; starting their small enterprises, to be entrepreneurs, in addition to supporting the creative student campaign in a number of Egyptian universities.

The training course targets young women in Egyptian universities in their third and fourth years, and young women graduating from universities, batches of 2019-2020.

The training course deals with many topics related to career planning such as: what are medium, small and micro enterprises, how to start a small business, how to do a feasibility study, various sources of funding, and agencies that provide capacity building for young women.


  • The applicant must be a university student in the third or fourth year or a recent graduate
  • Submit a copy of the university card or graduation certificate
  • Submit your CV or reference of any university or community activities you have undertaken.
  • Please register here , for those who wish to attend the training course  no later than March 7, 2021.